March 22
| Bonus Spring Turkey harvest authorizations on Sale for all remaining zones: HOW MANY ARE LEFT?
| Bonus Spring Turkey permits are on sale for all zones and time periods that still have permits remaining. Customers may still purchase one permit per day until the season ends or a zone/time period becomes sold out. NOTE: Zones 2, 5, 6 and 7 are now sold out.
SELECT HERE for sales instructions, or SELECT HERE to go to the Turkey information page. |
April 1
| 2025 Licenses are required.
| The 2025 license year begins, and 2025 licenses are required to be carried on this date. A 2025 license purchased prior to April 1 will be valid immediately after purchase.
April 12-13
| Spring Turkey Youth Hunt
| A special 2-day turkey hunt for hunters age 15 and under. Spring Turkey permits issued for ANY spring 2025 time period may be used, but youth hunters are limited to the turkey management ZONE stated on their permit. A youth who does not fill their permit during these two days may use it during the regular season in the time and unit specified.
April 16 - May 27
| Spring Turkey Season
| Hunters need a Spring Turkey License, stamp and harvest authorization to hunt during the spring season. You must first select the Spring Turkey Harvest Authorization from the catalog, and the system will then offer the license and stamp as required add-ons. SELECT HERE to visit the Turkey page for more info.
May 3
| Open Water Fishing Season opens
| The first Saturday in May is the opener for general open water fishing season. Hook and line fishing for many fish species on many Wisconsin waters begins on that day. However, to better manage Wisconsin fisheries, season dates are often specific to the species of fish as well as the water body. Customers should check their regulations.
May 26
| HOLIDAY - DNR Service Centers closed
| DNR Service Centers will be closed in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. The DNR Call Center remains open from 7am-10pm.
May 31
| Deadline for Elk Application
| Customers have until 11:59pm on May 31 to apply. The application product will be removed from GoWild after that. Those who applied earlier in the year can still make changes until the May 31 deadline. Customers can make the change online or by calling the DNR Call Center at 1-888-936-7463. SELECT HERE to visit the Permit Applications page.
June 7-8
| FREE Fun Weekend
| FREE Fishing - No fishing license or stamps are needed to fish Wisconsin waters for both residents and nonresidents. All other fishing regulations still apply. FREE State Park admittance - All state park vehicle admission sticker fees on all DNR-owned properties are waived. FREE State Trail use - All state trail pass fees on all DNR-owned state trails are waived and cooperatively-run state trails also may waive fees. FREE ATV/UTV riding on public trails - ATV registration and trail pass fees are waived. |
July 1
| Federal Duck Stamp available
| You will provide a temporary receipt for the customer while the stamp will be sent via US Mail. Youth under 16 do not need state or Federal waterfowl stamps. IMPORTANT: Voids can only be done same day. SELECT HERE for more info.
July 4
| HOLIDAY - DNR Service Centers closed
| DNR Service Centers will be closed in observance of Independence Day. The DNR Call Center remains open
August 1 
| Application deadline for Bobcat, fisher, and upriver sturgeon.
| Customers have until 11:59pm on August 1 to apply. The application products will be removed from GoWild after that. Those who applied earlier in the year can make changes to the unit they selected until the August 1 deadline. Customers can make the change online or by calling the DNR Call Center at 1-888-936-7463. SELECT HERE to visit the Permit Applications page.
September 1-15
| Early Goose Season - Statewide
| Hunters must purchase a $3 Early Goose permit in addition to Small Game license and HIP survey. Federal & State duck stamps are required only for hunters age 16 or over. SELECT HERE to see the Migratory Bird license guide.
September 1
| HOLIDAY - DNR Service Centers closed
| DNR Service Centers will be closed in observance of the Labor Day holiday. The DNR Call Center remains open from 7am-10pm.
September 3 | Bear Season opens
| The Class A Bear Carcass Tag will only show up for bear drawing permit winners. Find it under the Hunt/Trap Tab. Once the tag is selected, the bear license will be available as an add-on. SELECT HERE for more detailed information on the bear hunting page.